Risk Management

A safe work environment is the foundation of a productive workforce and a thriving company. That’s why Breckpoint's® Risk Management provides a full spectrum of training and resources to make a business workplace the safest it can be. A safer workplace not only means healthier team members, it also makes for a healthier business through lower insurance rates.

Since 2003, we’ve provided insightful solutions to clients in a variety of industries, including construction, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and insurance services. Breckpoint® partners with self-insured groups, captives, guaranteed cost carriers, and private employers.

Breckpoint's® focus is enabling you to create a safe environment that’s proactive, not reactive. After all, the best way to avoid accidents is to prevent them in the first place. Breckpoint's® experienced consultants are adept at creating programs and making recommendations specific to the clients' business. From programs built from the ground up to audits, inspections, accident investigation, ongoing training and much more, we’re your partners in safety.